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Cosmetic Design USA - 5 top trends seen at MakeUp In New York 2019

Pylote & Asquan among the 5 top trends seen at MakeUp in NewYork" according to Cosmetics Design USA

Read paragraphe on Pylote : In collaboration with Pylote, Asquan Group was showing mascara applicator brushes infused with bacteria- killing ceramic microspheres at MakeUp In New York. The new technology is on track to revolutionize material production across industries. And Pylote’s managing director of business tells Cosmetics Design that the company’s microspheres have already been successfully used in the pharma space to eliminate the need for preservative ingredients in certain ophthalmic treatment products. 

Article in Cosmetics Design USA

COSMETICS DESIGN USA - 5 top trends seen at MakeUp In New York 2019.pdf